Thursday, November 20, 2008

Five tips for creating SEO friendly Flash

Ready to optimize Flash content using SWFObject 2.0? Here are five tips to help you get started. But before you jump ahead, remember that while Flash accessibility programming has become the best means to get your Flash content recognized by spiders, the fact still remains that when it comes to website design for search engine performance, textual content still reigns supreme.

Include traffic-driving, keyword-based messages. Understand the keywords your target market is searching for, and feature them in the messages within your Flash content. If replicated in Flash replacement content, these keywords have the potential to drive traffic to your website.

Emphasize language over images. When deciding on your Flash design scheme, remember that while language can be replicated in replacement content, the same cannot be done for images. Therefore, whenever possible, leave your images out of your Flash content (you can optimize image files separately) and focus on content that can be replaced and recognized by engines.

Use videos that contain content that can be “replaced.” Customer-engaging video content with keyword-rich messages can now actually help stimulate search engine visibility if it is replicated in text form. Just remember that if your video primarily consists of dialogue, the “spoken words” must also be available in readable form to qualify to be “replaced” in text form.

Include links in replacement content, If your Flash content features links to other important parts of your website, make sure to include them in the Flash replacement content, making them visibile search engine crawlers.

Avoid spam tactics. Make sure the replacement content made available for search engines is an accurate representation of the Flash content that is made available for users.

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